Milano, 26th - 27th - 28th  october 2006


The aim of the workshop is to consider the notion of internal action in different categorical contexts and to relate it with internal structures defined thereby.
In particular, the well established context of semiabelian categories provides a natural setting for studying  the interplay between categorical and algebraic aspects of actions, with respect to internal structures that may be defined. Nevertheless, more general  settings are worth to be considered ( lex pointed categories with sums, protomodular categories...) 

Keywords of the meeting are: the representability of actions, sufficient conditions for their existence,  universal actions, categorical semi-direct product and constructions, internal groupoids and internal crossed modules, internal commutator theory, cohomological implications.

The workshop is intended to reflect its etymology, in order to give the participants a fruitful opportunity of debate and exchange experiences about the subject.
That is the reason why after every lecture there will be time for informal discussions. 



Lectures are scheduled on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th (morning and afternoon), and on Saturday 28th (only morning).


Attendance is open to everyone and other contributions on related topics will be considered with pleasure.


The workshop will take place at the Math Department of  Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. (Here is a city map to aid your orientation in Milan)

To get information how to reach the Department, located in Via Saldini 50, Milano,  please go to our direction's page


Maybe, the best thing you can do is to look for your best choice on the web, on sites like Expedia or similar (the Department is located in Città Studi district). We suggest to book soon, in order to get best rates.
If this can help you,  here you can find a list of hotels nearby the Dept. Note that we have the opportunity to book some rooms in the nearest of these Hotels at special rates (about 80 euro per night), but we must confirm in a very short time (before the end of September).  If you are interested, please let us know as soon as possible.


If you wish to attend the workshop, please fill the enclosed form. The registration fee is 25 euro ( to be payed at the workshop, free for students)  and includes coffee breaks and thurday's and friday's lunches.

Organizing committee: Stefano Kasangian, Sandra Mantovani, Giuseppe Metere.
With financial support by : For info, please contact the organizing committee to